Monday 6 October 2014

Ebola outbreak, an opportunity for a mental exercise in social triage.

Being a citizen is a full time job. 

The main difference between a national citizen and a general human being is one of rights and responsibilities. Most modern countries have joined together to dictate a series of general human rights. These rights apply to human beings across a broad spectrum. The rights of a citizen however are enhanced, nuanced, and supported by a collaborative effort of fellow citizens. One of the things most overlooked in this day and age is the fact that these rights come with responsibilities attached to them.

I'd say the basic responsibilities of the citizen include but are not limited to:
- Obeying the law
- Voting
- Responding to emergencies
- Unyielding service to the state

Obeying the law
 Central to the function of any state is law, whether its social rules or written law. Obedience toward law isn't simply a matter of reading the rules made by legislatures. The social rules are equally important and when they're broken the unrest is just as real.

A vote is a person's voucher, a token of support handed over to another individual. Voting isn't restricted to ballots, we've all had impromptu votes before. Every citizen needs to be prepared to speak what they think or believe when asked.

Responding to emergencies
This is a critical component to working communities that support one another and enhance safety. Responding to an emergency exists in many different forms. It can be everything from being a first responder to an accident or fire, to helping someone who is choking. It can be acting on a lawful citizen's arrest or military service during a draft.

Unyielding service to the state
Generally speaking service to the state is done through labor and the payment of taxes. Different people have different strengths however, and some people have harder jobs than others. In order for a nation to function at its best everyone needs to be on the same team with healthy competition. Government representatives should work just as hard as everyone else, a mentality which promotes productivity and lean government.

Social Triage

Triage is an important, messy, often overlooked part of life that we all have limited experience with. It combines all the necessary duties of a citizen and compresses them into a small time frame. It's mainly about prioritization and acting without hesitation. Triage requires obedience. In an emergency every second is precious and can't be wasted arguing or supervising disobedient people who obstruct the process. Triage requires strong voices that aren't going to quibble or mutter, with questions being asked and answered directly and honestly. Triage requires a collective response to the emergency that caused the need for it, whether its an earthquake, terrorist attack, or viral outbreak. Lastly, triage requires that people put in long hours and don't give up until the job is done.

There are a variety of emergencies facing us right now that require us to make real sacrifices for the greater good of our nation and the world. EBOLA is a very real threat, but it isn't the only one. Many diseases exist in the world that can do severe damage to our people. Measures have been taken to screen for potential carriers at airports, but we are also connected to many other land vectors. The USA has shown itself to be either unwilling or unable to realistically approach the issue of a virus outbreak, and despite billions of dollars in military infrastructure and posturing leaks like a sieve when it comes to its porous national defense. The lack of robust universal healthcare in the USA will only contribute to such problems in the future. This is the current outbreak of deadly disease, but not the first and certainly not the last.

Outside of the natural threats, there are rogue groups like ISIS who have publicly wished harm on Canadians and ordered attacks against our people. They are just another reason for us to take a hard look at securing our border. Want another? Drastic temperature and weather changes ( aka global warming ) are expected to open up the north, which is already being greedily eyed by other countries. Sparring between Russian planes and arguments with Americans ( and others ) about the sovereignty of the north is just the tip of the iceberg. We need to stop looking at our country in the immediate short term as it pertains to us individually and start looking at developments that will serve us AND our children, and their children. We used to think that the world was set in stone and things would never change, but day after day proves that the destabilizing factors we know from history books are alive and well. Death, disease, social change, immigration, war, technology, these things need to be handled instead of hoping they just go away.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to be a true citizen of one of the best countries in the world? Are you ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with others and put in the work necessary to our collective success? It is time for a non-violent social revolution that sets aside petty consumerism, self-centered civil disobedience, and a bleeding heart strategy toward immigration and justice. Do not expect the weak willed Conservatives to do what needs to be done, do not expect the Liberals to have the fortitude for it. Make your own decision, take hold of your own vote and your own voice. This is our chance to transform this nation from within and return it to its former glory, to rejuvenate it and bolster it. There are scary times ahead of us and dangerous challenges, but together we can own our fear and overcome it. We can do the impossible!

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