Make no mistake, this is an attack.
A shooting occurred at the center of Canada today, injuring law abiding citizens and spreading fear. Authorities immediately locked down the area and at least one shooter was slain. Heroic actions being undertaken by the people we put in place to protect us, with special recognition going to Sargeant Kevin Vickers who was guarding the area. Another soldier who remains as of yet unnamed died from his wounds.
No one goes and specifically shoots at Parliament unless they're politically motivated. Just a few days ago another soldier was killed by a radicalized muslim. This is the tactic of the muslim extremists - sucker punch terrorist attacks on the innocent. For all those people out there who try to do the mental gymnastics about tasers, the value of life, and other reasons that the police or military shouldn't shoot to kill WAKE UP. This is real life not a movie. Pessimistic citizens are already lamenting how this latest attack might inconvenience them by leading to stricter security measures.
People are going to say that this doesn't have anything to do with ISSI*, and that ISII is a lone wolf group. Let me tell you something, we aren't in a war with "ISSI" or "Al-Qaeda" specifically. We don't need to collect their rosters and sort them off one by one. We're against the very idea they stand for, the dissolution of our countries and their freedom to commit crimes unchecked in their areas. A radicalized muslim who rams his car into someone is part of the greater whole we're at war with whether he has direct affiliation with ISSI or not.
( *Islamic State of Syria and Iraq. Issi, like sissy. Saves those ladies the problem of their name being smeared and calls out these punks for what they really are - people who pick on the defenseless. )
Are we without fault?
This blog isn't here to make you stupid. I'm not here to tell you to put on a swastika and march out into the streets screaming "FOR THE PEOPLE KILL THEM ALL" like some kind of post-war caricature. There have clearly been bad decisions made in Canadian foreign policy. There have also been catastrophic decisions made by the Americans, and we should hold both our politicians and theirs accountable for their decisions. We need to remain level-headed in our handling of the situation, but we need to be angry. We need to hate our enemy with a cold hatred that will systemically scrub them from the face of the earth.
Modern people in Canada have been taught not to hate. They have been taught that hate is dirty, that it's only for bad people. That's completely untrue. Nature has given us hate as a tool to fight back against those things that threaten our loves. We hate it when people hurt the innocent. We hate it when people commit hate crimes. We even hate the people that do these different things. We're supposed to. If you have family in Ottawa minding their own business and contributing to the greatness of this nation, you should hate the gunmen. As a nation we need to stop being scared of the emotional core that has defined us throughout history and gotten us through our greatest challenges. Do you really think that Vimy Ridge was won with a politically correct, sterilized pep-talk and such motivation? We must tap into the font of aggression within us and deliver decisive blows.
Accurate, thorough, discerning, merciless. Justice must be delivered for all Canadians. There is a desperate muffled cry ringing out across Canada. We are tired of being taken advantage of. We are tired of being told that we have to suck it up because of how "civilized" people act. We're sick of being the punching bag of the world and pushed around by politicians and corporations that sell off our resources to multinational corporations. We'll either succumb to the smothering of political correctness and die slowly and quietly, or we'll find our aggressive instincts and throw off the oppressors who wish us spiritually dead.
This is just another drop in the bucket.
This attack is just another headline. The casualties are just another statistic. It's not even a matter of shootings or other violent crimes. It's everything. It's the violent sex offenders being released, and then killing or raping people. It's the repulsive material they put on TV the turns preteens onto the idea of twerking. It's the fact that the economy doesn't serve the average Canadian. We're sitting on more trees than most of the world can imagine and most people can't afford a house. We're sitting on one of the biggest oil deposits and gas is still over a dollar a liter. We've got immigrants pouring in, not only physically, but through our internet as well. How does ISSI reach the extremists in our ranks? Through Twitter? That's like me being able to go and put a commercial on TV telling someone to commit terrorist attacks on Canada. Pretty ridiculous.
We can change it. We can fix the nation. Just spread the word. Tell people how you really feel. Get angry and break free of the political correctness. Feel the liberation of speaking your mind. It can be scary, but you can do it. The future of Canada depends on it.
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