The year is 2014, and all legitimate institutions have taken meaningful measures to reduce or eliminate racism from their midst. Let me state this clearly, for ME, racism is over. I owe you nothing for the actions of my ancestors, or the ancestors of others with the same skin color. You owe me nothing for the actions of your ancestors or the ancestors of others with the same skin color. We can spend eternity waiting for a greater authority to declare victory over racism, or we can choose to declare victory over it individually. If every person can beat racism in their own context then racism will be truly put to rest.
Make no mistake, if you are a racist the conversation is over. In the wake of the controversial case of Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown I have come to the personal conclusion that I am done with this endless fighting. If you tell me that "a white cop shot a black man" the conversation is over. I will ignore you and we will not continue to discuss the topic. The appropriate description of the event is that "a police officer shot a young man". Contextual use of racial descriptors should be limited to reasonable situations like medical reports or suspect descriptions. If we do not change our use of language to reflect a change in our mindset two things will happen. One, it will be an indication that we haven't actually changed our mind. Two, it will encourage us to continue to think in the framework of the supporting language.
In this free western civilization we are afforded the right to freedom of speech. We are also entitled to the freedom not to speak. I am calling on each and every non-racist person to take on the bold and brave action of being silent in the face of endless yelling. We must prove that we are adults that are able to set aside our grievances and feuds. As well as refusing to speak to these racists and race baiters we have the right to choose to ostracize those who wish to continue advocating racism. It will be incredibly difficult to shut down conversations or avoid friends, but with discipline and self-control it is achievable. We can teach the racists the virtue of colorblindness in society by showing them that there is no way forward together with those views. There can be no reciprocal conversation or work with those who absolutely refuse to let bygones be bygones.
"Two households, both alike in dignity
(In fair Verona, where we lay our scene),
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."
Romeo&Juliet - Shakespeare
Every halfway educated member of western civilization knows the story of Romeo and Juliet, and it's true meaning. There can be no peace between warring factions if they do not set aside their differences completely. The cost in youthful blood will be absolute and destructive to all involved. Darren Wilson and Micheal Brown weren't white and black people, they were people. If your ability to communicate hinges on differentiating by race you are a racist and our dialogue will be pointless. If there are statistical realities to be faced about subtle racism I assure you I will actively work to limit it. For my part, I've never had a problem associating with someone who displayed similar values to me based on their skin color. Human will, human reason, and shared values supersede any minor genetic differences or variations.
My opinion is just one opinion. I'm just one man, but I'm here to say, if you intend to be racist, this is one less person that will speak with you. I sincerely hope that this deafening silence can drown out the racist outrage of the world. My fellow non-racists, I implore you, please consider my strategy. Together we can put an end to racism in our communities and our nations once and for all.