A hotbed of discontent and illegal rioting is breaking down communities across the USA, doing damage to innocent people and a cause in the process. There is a major clash occurring between the law abiding elements of society and the unruly mob that feels as though everything is stacked against them. When the legal process provided no indictment for officer Darren Wilson certain portions of the community took it upon themselves to throw an illegal tantrum and burn things down. This is typical behavior from criminals and special interest groups that want to turn the world upside down.
The truth has prevailed. Micheal Brown was a punk and attacked an officer, and died as a result. His destructive behaviour is nothing for anyone to aspire to. Society needs to learn from this experience and re-orient themselves towards justice. What is the true cause of that young man's death? It's a culture that has thrown aside respect for the law and for authority. It is a "F*** DA POLICE" attitude that gets young men shot by police or each other, and that gets women objectified and treated like garbage. Promoting thug culture is a disservice to youth and immensely dangerous.
Moving forward.
As we move forward as a civilization, we should take this opportunity to confront the enemies in our midst. There is a corrosive undercurrent of extreme ideology that wants to take apart western culture and substitute an anything-goes self-destructive way of thinking. Freedom is important to the West and always has been, but respecting the limits of freedom has been central to our success as nations. There is no way for us to move forward as a cohesive society if we disregard the rule of law and undermine our legal and democratically asserted authorities.
Make no mistake, disregarding a legal and democratic result or ruling is fighting against the will of the people. The people have spoken on these matters and declined the special interests of extremists. There are many changes we can make for the betterment of our land and people, from the economy to social programs, but they require our obedience to the legal system. A system crafted by the people who established our nation, a system defended with the lives of our soldiers, a system supported by the back breaking labor of millions of taxpayers. The rule of law and all its protections for citizens, the equality and responsibility it engenders, this is the true heart of western civilization. Without secular law and the capacity for reason we lose everything that our ancestors built and we inherited.
Lift your chin and stand your ground. Law abiding citizens of our western nations, now is the time to stand together in solidarity against the chaos of the world. If the criminal elements and hateful entities of the world mean to destroy our civilization let them try. If they mean to draw a line in the sand and threaten the basic foundation of our countries let us step to the line together and rebuff them.
Scream. Cry. Throw things and burn things. We'll be here. You will not win, we will not submit. The West will prevail.
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