Monday 20 October 2014

Gender and Homosexuality

I feel like I should get ahead of the gay train while I still can. ( is there even a gay train??? )

Well, I've stated my position on men and women in general. I've stated my support for the nuclear family and a strong middle class. What about gays and transgendered types? What does fascism think of gays? You might be surprised to learn that contemporary fascism is actually split on many key subjects like sexuality, racism, and the kinds of rules that should exist.

There's obviously a strong emphasis on the family and traits that have been regarded as masculine. Fascists admire power, virility, and healthy competition. It's kind of a man's man type of political ideology. That doesn't leave a lot of room for homosexuals, because gay men tend to exhibit feminine characteristics. Moreover, the last mainstream representation of fascism existed in a time when homosexuality was reviled worldwide due to religious beliefs. For that reason its easy to see fascism's relationship with homosexuality in a tainted light.

Let me be honest, I consider homosexuality to be problematic to some degree.

As someone with an interest in social engineering, homosexuality exists as a sort of hiccup. You want to be able to make consistent and simple, far-reaching decisions or structures for a population when you're building it up. More than that, our bodies are designed by nature to be self-replicating. As Stefan Molyneux tends to say, your toes are there to help you make baby toes. Homosexuality is among many other factors that can disrupt the process of sexual reproduction. As I want every virtuous, law abiding citizen to be able to share in the celebration of life that is having children and continuing their genetic legacy I consider this a fundamental flaw.

Yes, yes, there's adoption and all those other nice alternatives. Without trying to invalidate anyone's relationship, I'll just say what many are loathe to admit - its just not the same. That's not to say its intrinsically worse or anything, it's just different. However, the fact remains that everyone can adopt. That means that a regular couple still has more options for having children than a homosexual couple. That strikes me as a problem.

What about emerging technologies? Technology is a fickle thing, and I relate it toward the adoption concern to some degree. While you can have more genetically authentic children with our advanced technologies, those technologies are very advanced and expensive. This blocks lower income couples from being able to afford to have children where a regular couple would be able to. The same problem exists for people with other reproductive issues. At the risk of sounding a little bit crazy, there's also the fact that civilizations can collapse at the drop of a hat. All it takes is one nuclear war or plague and the next thing you know we might lose a lot of our gains.

What does this mean for gays?

Well, for better or worse as far as I'm concerned it means "not a lot". I regard homosexuality as a social health issue to be resolved by medicine. Homosexuals should be given the right to marry under the same state authority as other couples. You can call it a "civil union" or whatever you want. Religious people can keep marriage if they'd like as a religious institution, because it doesn't really matter. Being married under the sight of god and the state aren't always the same thing. Religiously motivated polygamous marriages for example are marriages to the people in them, but they aren't recognized by the state or afforded the rights and protections of the state.

Homosexuals are definitively born gay, and that is beyond their control. Since they are born gay and it isn't a choice, the state is obligated to extend them special considerations the same way we make concessions for other people with disabilities or difficulties. The answer isn't to deny them the fundamental right to form long term romantic relationships protected by the state. Nor is it to sanctify the concept of homosexuality itself. We should be investing resources in the research of human sexuality so that one day we can isolate the factors that create homosexuality, and phase them out. This would be a gradual process spanning generations, but it would inevitably happen. The dwindling of gays would be a sad farewell to some, but ultimately in the best interest of society. More and more straight people would be born and things would eventually become homogenous.

To be clear, that doesn't mean forced abortions, gulags, executions, or anything like that. I'm simply talking about the capacity to engender desired traits in fetuses. I believe that our capacity for medical breakthroughs makes this an inevitable. The same general concept I think applies to transgendered people. One day we'll know how "gender" and sexuality are formed in the brain, and armed with that knowledge we'll be able to steer people toward the majority state well before they are born.

What about the morality?

Homosexuality and homosexual acts aren't the exact same thing. Homosexuality is the attraction toward members of the same sex. Homosexual acts are sex acts between members of the same sex. You can, however, be "straight" and still perform a homosexual sex act. The morality of different actions is determined on a case to case basis. Cheating on someone is immoral, and raping someone in prison is immoral. Consensual sex between two adults isn't immoral. What dictates the morality of homosexual acts is the motivation behind them. If its an expression of love between two people designed to benefit them both, it's fine.

That's not to say that homosexuality or the "gay agenda" as we know it in this day and age is what I'm advocating. In fact, ideally, the homosexuality of a fascist state would be completely unrecognizable to the average person. It isn't about having raging, garish parades of indecency in city streets. To be fair to gays, I wouldn't support that for straight people either. It's much more preferable that people be quietly gay, and, quietly straight. We can return a sense of decency to our society that reinforces positive relationships and attributes without demonizing people.

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