Monday 20 October 2014

The value of men and women

What does a fascist think about women?

It's probably fairly clear that most fascists throw their support behind the middle class and the nuclear family. The traditional view of this is one man, one woman, together in a household with their children. It's a very effective unit and foundational to nationhood. In these units the traditional role of a woman is to have children and raise them while the man provides for the family.

Fascists actually put a great deal of respect and attention toward women, as far as ideology is concerned. The school of thought could be safely regarded as chivalric, or simply socially conservative. Given that fascism is a collection of personal convictions the details vary from person to person. At least generally speaking however, fascism is a meritocratic ideology. For that reason it can advance the thoughts, concerns, and dreams of women.

What makes women so valuable?

The primary value of a woman is her reproductive capability. BOOM. Heads just exploded, but let me explain. It's really quite elementary and something we all understand, but something that has become twisted in modern discussion. A woman is defined by having a vagina and ovaries. A man is defined by having a penis and testicles. The value or main factor of a woman is her reproductive ability, and the value of a man is mainly his reproductive capability.

However, women are obviously more than just their reproductive organs. Women are people, the same way that men are people. What we should really be doing in this discussion is dialing back man and woman to mean their original meaning, which is male and female. Before we had all the fancy scientific talk to come up with male and female it was just common to say man and woman. If you replace a lot of statements indicating woman with female they are a lot less offensive. What is the main value of a female? Her reproductive capability. That seems like a relatively inoffensive thing to say. We all kind of get that.


As we all know, women are people. People is just plural for person. A person is essentially in the brain, affected by the body but not particularly defined by it. All people are persons before they are men or women, which is what makes fundamental changes to legal definitions so effective. By changing a legal document from man or woman to persons, you can effectively benefit pretty much everyone. What is the primary value of a person? That's really more of an individual choice, but people will generally agree that a person is valuable when they show virtuous traits. The value of people comes from them helping us, making us feel good, bringing love and joy, that kind of thing.

You're a person first, because of the composition of your brain and your thoughts and feelings. After determining who you are as a person and your personal value, you move down ( from top to bottom, it's easy! ) to your genitals. You're a person first, then you're a man, or a woman. Your reproductive capability then defines your value as a male or female - a man or woman. An easy way to remember this is to go by the handy terms manhood and womanhood. Manhood refers to a man's penis or other predominantly male traits, and womanhood refers to the vagina and predominantly female traits.

Personality and sex aren't usually completely separated, and have some overlap. However, you can make choices in your life or be born with imbalances. It's really up to you, because you have the freedom to be. You're a woman and you choose to be a fighter pilot? That's great! Your value as a person is still top notch, even if your value as a woman is reduced. You aren't going to be able to fly many jets if you're pregnant right? The same thing applies to men. If you want to be a celibate monk for the rest of your life you're still a pretty valuable person, but your value as a man is significantly reduced.

Speaking the same language

I find the biggest obstacle to resolving disputes is miscommunication. There's a lot of talk about men's rights and women's rights these days. A lot of the confusion seems to stem from arguing abstracts or trying to force abstract concepts. Do I think that women should be paid the same amount as men for labor jobs? Of course not. I think all people should be paid the same amount for labor jobs, relative to their ability.

Are men advantaged in specific fields like manual labor? Certainly. Women are advantaged in other fields, and that's completely fine. The sexes are designed by nature to complement one another. That doesn't mean that a woman can't forgo aspects of her womanhood and pursue a labor job. All it means is that she has to stay competitive in that field as a person, making whatever concessions are necessary in other aspects of life. The same thing applies to men. I don't expect a person to retain their fighter pilot job if they choose to indulge their feminine aspect and get pregnant. I don't expect a person to retain their role as a religious leader if they choose to break their vows and start having sex.

A note on my illustration, I chose "beauty" and "strength" because they are the most common way of regarding the sexes. Men typically act as resource gathers, and women as caregivers. ( replace men and women with male and female if you want! )

As far as gender is concerned, I consider gender to be a matter of personality and personhood. As we continue to erode the traditional expectations of the sexes and allow people the freedom to act on their personality, gender continues to lose meaning. What is a gender if there are no gender roles? A large part of meritocratic thought is allowing people the opportunity to deft expectations. A fundamental of meritocratic thought is giving people the opportunity to prove themselves. 

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